List of Publications


  • Xiang-Fei Sun, Yanxu Zhang, Meng-Yi Xie, LeiMai, and Eddy Y. Zeng. Calcite carbonate sinks low-density plastic debris in open oceans. Nat Commun 15, 4837 (2024). [full text]
  • Huifang Jiang, Junyao Yan, Ruolan Li, Shaochen Yang, Guopei Huang, Wenjuan Wang, Yanxu Zhang, Ping Li, and Xinbin Feng. Economic benefit of ecological remediation of mercury pollution in southwest China 2007–2022. Environment International 189 (2024): 108792. [full text]
  • Zhengcheng Song, Shaojian Huang, Peng Zhang, Tengfei Yuan, and Yanxu Zhang*. Isotope Data Constrains Redox Chemistry of Atmospheric Mercury. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024 [cover article of this issue] [full text]
  • Tengfei Yuan#, Shaojian Huang, Peng Zhang, Zhengcheng Song, Jun Ge, Xin Miao, Yujuan Wang, Qiaotong Pang, Dong Peng, Peipei Wu, Junjiong Shao, Peipei Zhang, Yabo Wang, Hongyan Guo, Weidong Guo, and Yanxu Zhang*. Potential decoupling of CO2 and Hg uptake process by global vegetation in the 21st century. Nat Commun 15, 4490 (2024). [full text]
  • Wu, L., Mao, H., Ye, Z., Dibble, T. S., Saiz‐Lopez, A., and Zhang, Y. Improving Simulation of Gas‐Particle Partitioning of Atmospheric Mercury Using Cmaq‐Newhg‐Br V2. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 16, no. 3 (2024).
  • Shibao Wang#, Jeremy McGibbon, Yanxu Zhang*, Predicting high-resolution air quality using machine learning: Integration of large eddy simulation and urban morphology data, Environmental Pollution. 2024, 344, 123371. [full text]
  • Tang, Wenli, Xu Bai, Yang Zhou, Christian Sonne, Mengjie Wu, Su Shiung Lam, Holger Hintelmann, Carl P. J. Mitchell, Alexander Johs, Baohua Gu, Luís Nunes, Cun Liu, Naixian Feng, Sihai Yang, Jörg Rinklebe, Yan Lin, Long Chen, Yanxu Zhang, Yanan Yang, Jiaqi Wang, Shouying Li, Qingru Wu, Yong Sik Ok, Diandou Xu, Hong Li, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Hongqiang Ren, Guibin Jiang, Zhifang Chai, Yuxi Gao, Jiating Zhao, and Huan Zhong. A Hidden Demethylation Pathway Removes Mercury From Rice Plants and Mitigates Mercury Flux to Food Chains. Nature Food (2024). [full text]


  • Peng Sun, Zhengcheng Song*, Yanhong Qin, Zheng Xu, Yanxu Zhang, Sheng Zhong, and Jianqiao Yu. Declines of Gaseous Element Mercury Concentrations at an Urban Site in Eastern China Caused by Reductions of Anthropogenic Emission. Atmospheric Environment 317 (2024): 120199. [full text]
  • Siyu Zhu#, Peipei Wu, Siyi Zhang, Oliver Jahn, Shu Li, and Yanxu Zhang*. A High-Resolution Marine Mercury Model Mitgcm-Ecco2-Hg with Online Biogeochemistry. Geoscientific Model Development 16, no. 20 (2023): 5915-29. [full text]
  • Shaojian Huang#, Feiyue Wang, Tengfei Yuan, Zhengcheng Song, Peipei Wu, and Yanxu Zhang*. Modeling the Mercury Cycle in the Sea Ice Environment: A Buffer Between the Polar Atmosphere and Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology (2023). [full text]
  • Yang Xie, Meng Xu, Jinlu Pu, Yujie Pan, Xiaorui Liu, Yanxu Zhang, Shasha Xu. Large-scale renewable energy brings regionally disproportional air quality and health co-benefits in China. iScience 26, 107459, 2023. [full text]
  • Yi Tang, Qingru Wu, Shuxiao Wang, Min Zhang, Yanxu Zhang, and Fangli Qiao. Enhanced Daytime Atmospheric Mercury in the Marine Boundary Layer in the South Oceans. Science of The Total Environment 892 (2023): 164691. [full text]
  • Dong Peng#, Jixuan Lyu#, Zhengcheng Song, Shaojian Huang, Peng Zhang, Jianhua Gao*, and Yanxu Zhang*. Mercury Budgets in the Suspended Particulate Matters of the Yangtze River. Water Research 243 (2023): 120390. [full text]
  • Yiming Fu#, Qiaotong Pang#, Suo Lang Zhuo Ga, Peipei Wu, Yujuan Wang, Mao Mao, Zhen Yuan, Xiangrong Xu, Kai Liu, Xiaohui Wang, Daoji Li, and Yanxu Zhang*. Modeling atmospheric microplastic cycle by GEOS-Chem: An optimized estimation by a global dataset suggests likely 50 times lower ocean emissions. One Earth. 2023, 6(6), 705-714. DOI: 10.1016/j.oneear.2023.05.012. [full text]
  • Zhencheng Xing, Ruirong Chang#, Zhengcheng Song, Yanxu Zhang*, Marilena Muntean, Kuishuang Feng, Yifan Liu, Zongwei Ma, Jigan Wang, Jie Zhang, and Haikun Wang*. International Trade Shapes Global Mercury–Related Health Impacts. PNAS Nexus 2, no. 5 (2023). [full text]
  • Fange Yue, Yanbin Li, Yanxu Zhang, Longquan Wang, Dan Li, Peipei Wu, Hongwei Liu, Lijin Lin, Dong Li, Ji Hu, and Zhouqing Xie. Elevated Methylmercury in Antarctic Surface Seawater: The Role of Phytoplankton Mass and Sea Ice. Science of The Total Environment 882 (2023): 163646. [full text]
  • Peipei Wu#, and Yanxu Zhang*. Toward a Global Model of Methylmercury Biomagnification in Marine Food Webs: Trophic Dynamics and Implications for Human Exposure. Environmental Science & Technology (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c01299. [full text]
  • Tengfei Yuan#, Peng Zhang, Zhengcheng Song, Shaojian Huang, Xun Wang, and Yanxu Zhang*. Buffering Effect of Global Vegetation On the Air-Land Exchange of Mercury: Insights From a Novel Terrestrial Mercury Model Based On Cesm2-Clm5.Environment International 174 (2023): 107904. [full text]
  • Jeroen E. Sonke , Hélène Angot, Yanxu Zhang, Alexandre Poulain, Erik Björn, and Amina Schartup. Global Change Effects On Biogeochemical Mercury Cycling. Ambio (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s13280-023-01855-y. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*, Peng Zhang, Zhengcheng Song, Shaojian Huang, Tengfei Yuan, Peipei Wu, Viral Shah, Maodian Liu, Long Chen, Xuejun Wang, Jun Zhou, and Yannick Agnan. An updated global mercury budget from a coupled atmosphere-land-ocean model: 40% more re-emissions buffer the effect of primary emission reductions. One Earth. 2023, 6(3), 316-325. [Nature Research Highlight] [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*, Peipei Wu, Ruochong Xu, Xuantong Wang, Lili Lei*, Amina T. Schartup, Yiming Peng, Qiaotong Pang, Xinle Wang, Lei Mai, Ruwei Wang, Huan Liu, Xiaotong Wang, Arjen Luijendijk, Eric Chassignet, Xiaobiao Xu, Huizhong Shen, Shuxiu Zheng, and Eddy Y. Zeng*. Plastic Waste Discharge to the Global Ocean Constrained by Seawater Observations. Nature Communications 14, no. 1 (2023). [full text]
  • Yujuan Wang#, Peipei Wu, and Yanxu Zhang*. Climate-Driven Changes of Global Marine Mercury Cycles in 2100. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 2 (2023). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2202488120. [full text]
  • Xiawei Yu, Yanli Zhang, Ruilin Jin, Zhangyan Chai, Qihou Hu, Juan Yu, Jie Xing, Lulu Zhang, Hui Kang, Yanxu Zhang*, Xinming Wang*, and Zhouqing Xie*. Spatial Distribution of Marine Atmospheric Isoprene in the Southern Hemisphere: Role of Atmospheric Removal Capacity. Atmospheric Environment 292 (2023): 119414. [full text]


  • Qingru Wu; Yanxu Zhang; Ping Li; Xuewu Fu; Qianggong Zhang; Xun Wang; Long Chen; Shuxiao Wang; Feiyue Wang; Xinbin Feng. Ecosystem Mercury Recovery and Health Benefit Under the Minamata Convention in a Changing Climate. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 260, no. 1 (2022). [full text]
  • Xu Zeng, Long Chen, Yanxu Zhang, Guoling Han, Qing Chen, Zhaohan Chu, Yanping Zhang, Chao Li, Yi Yang, and Xuejun Wang. Meteorological Drivers of Atmospheric Mercury Seasonality in the Temperate Northern Hemisphere. Geophysical Research Letters (2022). DOI: 10.1029/2022GL100120. [full text]
  • Qiaotong Pang#, Jing Gu#, Haikun Wang, Yanxu Zhang*. Global Health Impact of Atmospheric Mercury Emissions from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining. iScience 25, 104881, 2022. DOI: [full text]
  • Zhengcheng Song#, Ruoyu Sun, and Yanxu Zhang*. “Modeling Mercury Isotopic Fractionation in the Atmosphere.Environmental Pollution 307 (2022): 119588. [full text]
  • Fange Yue, Zhouqing Xie, Yanxu Zhang, Jinpei Yan, and Shuhui Zhao. Latitudinal Distribution of Gaseous Elemental Mercury in Tropical Western Pacific: The Role of the Doldrums and the Itcz. Environmental Science & Technology 56, no. 5 (2022): 2968-76. [full text]
  • Rong Tang, Jing Zhao, Yifan Liu, Xin Huang, Yanxu Zhang, Derong Zhou, Aijun Ding, Chris P. Nielsen & Haikun Wang. Air quality and health co-benefits of China’s carbon dioxide emissions peaking before 2030. Nat Commun 13, 1008 (2022). [full text]
  • David Au Yang, Jiubin Chen, Wang Zheng, Yanxu Zhang, Guitao Shi, Jeroen E. Sonke, Pierre Cartigny, Hongming Cai, Wei Yuan, Liangzhi Liu, Pengxue Gai and Congqiang Liu. South-hemispheric marine aerosol Hg and S isotope compositions reveal different oxidation pathways. National Science Open. DOI: [full text]
  • Ruochong Xu, Joel A. Thornton, Ben H. Lee, Yanxu Zhang, Lyatt Jaeglé, Felipe D. Lopez-Hilfiker, Pekka Rantala, and Tuukka Petäjä. Global simulations of monoterpene-derived peroxy radical fates and the distributions of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) and accretion products. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2022(22), 5477–5494. [full text]
  • Peng Zhang#, Yanxu Zhang*. Earth system modeling of mercury using CESM2 – part 1: Atmospheric model CAM6-Chem/Hg v1.0.Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 3587–3601, 2022. [full text]
  • Xiaotian Xu#, Xu Feng, Haipeng Lin, Peng Zhang, Shaojian Huang, Zhengcheng Song, Yiming Peng, Tzung-May Fu, Yanxu Zhang*. Modeling the high-mercury wet deposition in the southeastern US with WRF-GC-Hg v1.0. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 3845–3859, 2022. [full text]


  • Peipei Wu#, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Erwan Monier, Yanxu Zhang*. Bottom-heavy trophic pyramids impair methylmercury biomagnification in the marine plankton ecosystems. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021. [Environmental Advances] [full text]
  • Fange Yue; Zhouqing Xie; Jinpei Yan; Yanxu Zhang; Bei Jiang. Spatial Distribution of Atmospheric Mercury Species in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2021, 126(17). [full text]
  • Yiming Peng#, Peipei Wu#, Amina T. Schartup, Yanxu Zhang*. Plastic waste release caused by COVID-19 and its fate in the global ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Nov 2021, 118 (47); DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2111530118. [The Washington Post] [Yahoo News] [Fox] [CBS News] [PNAS Metrics] [Nature News] [MITgcm] [Selected highlights of 2021 | PNAS] [full text]
  • Shaojian Huang#; Yanxu Zhang*. Interannual Variability of Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury in the Global Ocean: The “Seesaw Effect” in the Equatorial Pacific and Contributions to the Atmosphere. Environmental Science & Technology. 2021, 55(10), 7145-7156. [Environmental Advances] [full text]
  • Shibao Wang#; Yun Ma#; Zhongrui Wang#; Lei Wang; Xuguang Chi; Aijun Ding; Mingzhi Yao; Yunpeng Li; Qilin Li; Mengxian Wu; Ling Zhang; Yongle Xiao; Yanxu Zhang*. Mobile monitoring of urban air quality at high spatial resolution by low-cost sensors: impacts of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021, 21(9), 7199-7215. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*; Xingpei Ye#; Shibao Wang#; Xiaojing He#; Lingyao Dong#; Ning Zhang; Haikun Wang; Zhongrui Wang; Yun Ma; Lei Wang; Xuguang Chi; Aijun Ding; Mingzhi Yao; Yunpeng Li; Qilin Li; Ling Zhang; Yongle Xiao. Large-eddy simulation of traffic-related air pollution at a very high resolution in a mega-city: evaluation against mobile sensors and insights for influencing factors.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021, 21(4), 2917-2929. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*; Zhengcheng Song; Shaojian Huang; Peng Zhang; Yiming Peng; Peipei Wu; Jing Gu; Stephanie Dutkiewicz; Huanxin Zhang; Shiliang Wu; Feiyue Wang; Long Chen; Shuxiao Wang; Ping Li. Global health effects of future atmospheric mercury emissions. Nature Communications. 2021, 12(1). [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*; Stephanie Dutkiewicz; Elsie M. Sunderland. Impacts of climate change on methylmercury formation and bioaccumulation in the 21st century ocean. One Earth. 2021, 4(2), 279-288. [full text]


  • Shinichiro Fujimori; Tomoko Hasegawa; Kiyoshi Takahashi; Hancheng Dai; Jing-Yu Liu; Haruka Ohashi; Yang Xie; Yanxu Zhang; Tetsuya Matsui; Yasuaki Hijioka. Measuring the sustainable development implications of climate change mitigation. Environmental Research Letters. 2020, 15(8), 85004. [full text]
  • Jing Gu#; Qiaotong Pang#; Jinzhi Ding; Runsheng Yin; Yuanhe Yang; Yanxu Zhang*. The driving factors of mercury storage in the Tibetan grassland soils underlain by permafrost. Environmental Pollution. 2020, 265, 115079. [full text]
  • Ruoyu Sun; Jingjing Yuan; Jeroen E. Sonke; Yanxu Zhang; Tong Zhang; Wang Zheng; Shun Chen; Mei Meng; Jiubin Chen; Yi Liu; Xiaotong Peng; Congqiang Liu. Methylmercury produced in upper oceans accumulates in deep Mariana Trench fauna. Nature Communications. 2020, 11(1). [full text]
  • Peipei Wu#; Emily J. Zakem; Stephanie Dutkiewicz; Yanxu Zhang*. Biomagnification of Methylmercury in a Marine Plankton Ecosystem. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54(9), 5446-5455. [cover article of this issue] [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*; Haikun Wang; Yun Han; Danhan Wang; Ge Zhu; Xi Lu. Shale gas development in China: Implications for indoor and outdoor air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. Environment International. 2020, 141, 105727. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang*; Anne L. Soerensen; Amina T. Schartup; Elsie M. Sunderland. A Global Model for Methylmercury Formation and Uptake at the Base of Marine Food Webs. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2020, 34(2). [research spotlight by AGU Eos] [full text]
  • Yanbin Zhao; Kun Zhang; Xiaotian Xu#; Huizhong Shen; Xi Zhu; Yanxu Zhang; Yongtao Hu; Guofeng Shen. Substantial Changes in Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone after Excluding Meteorological Impacts during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Mainland China. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2020, 7(6), 402-408. [full text]


  • Long Chen; Sai Liang; Maodian Liu; Yujun Yi; Zhifu Mi; Yanxu Zhang; Yumeng Li; Jianchuan Qi; Jing Meng; Xi Tang; Haoran Zhang; Yindong Tong; Wei Zhang; Xuejun Wang; Jiong Shu; Zhifeng Yang. Trans-provincial health impacts of atmospheric mercury emissions in China. Nature Communications. 2019, 10(1). [full text]
  • Haryun Kim; Kitack Lee; Dhong-Il Lim; Seung-Il Nam; Seung Hee Han; Jihun Kim; Eunil Lee; In-Seong Han; Young Keun Jin; Yanxu Zhang. Increase in anthropogenic mercury in marginal sea sediments of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 654, 801-810. [full text]
  • Charlotte C. Wagner; Helen M. Amos; Colin P. Thackray; Yanxu Zhang; Elizabeth W. Lundgren; Gael Forget; Carey L. Friedman; Noelle E. Selin; Rainer Lohmann; Elsie M. Sunderland. A Global 3-D Ocean Model for PCBs: Benchmark Compounds for Understanding the Impacts of Global Change on Neutral Persistent Organic Pollutants. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2019, 33(3), 469-481. [full text]
  • Yang Xie; Hancheng Dai*; Yanxu Zhang*; Yazhen Wu; Tatsuya Hanaoka; Toshihiko Masui. Comparison of health and economic impacts of PM2.5 and ozone pollution in China. Environment International. 2019, 130, 104881. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Hannah Horowitz; Jiancheng Wang; Zhouqing Xie; Joachim Kuss; Anne L. Soerensen. A Coupled Global Atmosphere-Ocean Model for Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury: Insights into Wet Deposition and Atmospheric Redox Chemistry.Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53(9), 5052-5061. [full text]
  • Ruoyu Sun; Martin Jiskra; Helen M. Amos; Yanxu Zhang; Elsie M. Sunderland; Jeroen E. Sonke. Modelling the mercury stable isotope distribution of Earth surface reservoirs: Implications for global Hg cycling. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2019, 246, 156-173. [full text]



  • Long Chen; Sai Liang; Yanxu Zhang; Maodian Liu; Jing Meng; Haoran Zhang; Xi Tang; Yumeng Li; Yindong Tong; Wei Zhang; Xuejun Wang; Jiong Shu. Atmospheric Mercury Outflow from China and Interprovincial Trade. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, 52(23), 13792-13800. [full text]
  • Long Chen; Wei Zhang; Yanxu Zhang; Yindong Tong; Maodian Liu; Huanhuan Wang; Han Xie; Xuejun Wang. Historical and future trends in global source-receptor relationships of mercury. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 610-611, 24-31. [full text]
  • Yanxia Zhang; Shen Qu; Jing Zhao; Ge Zhu; Yanxu Zhang; Xi Lu; Clive E. Sabel; Haikun Wang. Quantifying regional consumption-based health impacts attributable to ambient air pollution in China. Environment International. 2018, 112, 100-106. [full text]
  • Zhuyun Ye; Huiting Mao; Charles T. Driscoll; Yan Wang; Yanxu Zhang; Lyatt Jaegl. Evaluation of CMAQ Coupled With a State-of-the-Art Mercury Chemical Mechanism (CMAQ-newHg-Br). Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 2018, 10(3), 668-690. [full text]
  • John Kondziolka; Nicole Briggs; Yanxu Zhang; Thomas Lewandowski. Applied methods for assessing flammability risks of HFO refrigerants. International Conference on the Application of HFO Refrigerants, Birmingham, UK. 2018.


  • Hannah M. Horowitz; Daniel J. Jacob; Yanxu Zhang; Theodore S. Dibble; Franz Slemr; Helen M. Amos; Johan A. Schmidt; Elizabeth S. Corbitt; Elose A. Marais; Elsie M. Sunderland. A new mechanism for atmospheric mercury redox chemistry: implications for the global mercury budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017, 17(10), 6353-6371. [full text]
  • Haikun Wang; Yanxu Zhang; Hongyan Zhao; Xi Lu; Yanxia Zhang; Weimo Zhu; Chris P. Nielsen; Xin Li; Qiang Zhang; Jun Bi; Michael B. McElroy. Trade-driven relocation of air pollution and health impacts in China. Nature Communications. 2017, 8(1). [Highlighted by Nanjing University] [full text]
  • Xianming Zhang; Yanxu Zhang; Clifton Dassuncao; Rainer Lohmann; Elsie M. Sunderland. North Atlantic Deep Water formation inhibits high Arctic contamination by continental perfluorooctane sulfonate discharges. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2017, 31(8), 1332-1343. [full text]
  • Yang Xie; Hancheng Dai; Yanxu Zhang; Tatsuya Hanaoka; Toshihiko Masui. Health and Economic Impacts of Ozone Pollution in China: a provincial level analysis. Atmospheric chemistry and physics discussions. 2017, 1-63. [full text]



  • Long Chen#; Yanxu Zhang*; Daniel J. Jacob; Anne L. Soerensen; Jenny A. Fisher; Hannah M. Horowitz; Elizabeth S. Corbitt; Xuejun Wang. A decline in Arctic Ocean mercury suggested by differences in decadal trends of atmospheric mercury between the Arctic and northern midlatitudes. Geophysical Research Letters. 2015, 42(14), 6076-6083. [Highlighted as AGU Blogosphere] [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Daniel J. Jacob; Stephanie Dutkiewicz; Helen M. Amos; Michael S. Long; Elsie M. Sunderland. Biogeochemical drivers of the fate of riverine mercury discharged to the global and Arctic oceans. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2015, 29(6), 854-864. [Highlighted as featured study by MITgcm Homepage] [full text]
  • Colin P. Thackray; Carey L. Friedman; Yanxu Zhang; Noelle E. Selin. Quantitative Assessment of Parametric Uncertainty in Northern Hemisphere PAH Concentrations. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015, 49(15), 9185-9193. [full text]


  • Daniel A. Jaffe; Seth Lyman; Helen M. Amos; Mae S. Gustin; Jiaoyan Huang; Noelle E. Selin; Leonard Levin; Arnout ter Schure; Robert P. Mason; Robert Talbot; Andrew Rutter; Brandon Finley; Lyatt Jaegle; Viral Shah; Crystal McClure; Jesse Ambrose; Lynne Gratz; Steven Lindberg; Peter Weiss-Penzias; Guey-Rong Sheu; Dara Feddersen; Milena Horvat; Ashu Dastoor; Anthony J. Hynes; Huiting Mao; Jeroen E. Sonke; Franz Slemr; Jenny A. Fisher; Ralf Ebinghaus; Yanxu Zhang; Grant Edwards. Progress on Understanding Atmospheric Mercury Hampered by Uncertain Measurements. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(13), 7204-7206. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Lyatt Jaegle; LuAnne Thompson. Natural biogeochemical cycle of mercury in a global three-dimensional ocean tracer model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2014, 28(5), 553-570. [research spotlight by AGU Eos] [full text]
  • Anne L. Soerensen; Robert P. Mason; Prentiss H. Balcom; Daniel J. Jacob; Yanxu Zhang; Joachim Kuss; Elsie M. Sunderland. Elemental Mercury Concentrations and Fluxes in the Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(19), 11312-11319. [full text]
  • Carey L. Friedman; Yanxu Zhang; Noelle E. Selin. Climate Change and Emissions Impacts on Atmospheric PAH Transport to the Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(1), 429-437. [full text]
  • Helen M. Amos; Daniel J. Jacob; David Kocman; Hannah M. Horowitz; Yanxu Zhang; Stephanie Dutkiewicz; Milena Horvat; Elizabeth S. Corbitt; David P. Krabbenhoft; Elsie M. Sunderland. Global Biogeochemical Implications of Mercury Discharges from Rivers and Sediment Burial. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48(16), 9514-9522. [full text]
  • Long Wang; Shuxiao Wang; Lei Zhang; Yuxuan Wang; Yanxu Zhang; Chris Nielsen; Michael B. McElroy; Jiming Hao. Source apportionment of atmospheric mercury pollution in China using the GEOS-Chem model. Environmental Pollution. 2014, 190, 166-175. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Lyatt Jaegle; LuAnne Thompson; David G. Streets. Six centuries of changing oceanic mercury. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 2014, 28(11), 1251-1261 [cover article of this issue] [full text]

2013 and earlier

  • Yanxu Zhang; Lyatt Jaegle. Decreases in Mercury Wet Deposition over the United States during 2004-2010: Roles of Domestic and Global Background Emission Reductions. Atmosphere. 2013, 4(2), 113-131. [full text]
  • J. P. Parrella; D. J. Jacob; Q. Liang; Y. Zhang; L. J. Mickley; B. Miller; M. J. Evans; X. Yang; J. A. Pyle; N. Theys; M. Van Roozendael. Tropospheric bromine chemistry: implications for present and pre-industrial ozone and mercury. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2012, 12(15), 6723-6740. [full text]
  • Y. Zhang; L. Jaegle; A. van Donkelaar; R. V. Martin; C. D. Holmes; H. M. Amos; Q. Wang; R. Talbot; R. Artz; S. Brooks; W. Luke; T. M. Holsen; D. Felton; E. K. Miller; K. D. Perry; D. Schmeltz; A. Steffen; R. Tordon; P. Weiss-Penzias; R. Zsolway. Nested-grid simulation of mercury over North America. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2012, 12(14), 6095-6111. [full text]
  • H. M. Amos; D. J. Jacob; C. D. Holmes; J. A. Fisher; Q. Wang; R. M. Yantosca; E. S. Corbitt; E. Galarneau; A. P. Rutter; M. S. Gustin; A. Steffen; J. J. Schauer; J. A. Graydon; V. L. St. Louis; R. W. Talbot; E. S. Edgerton; Y. Zhang; E. M. Sunderland. Gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric Hg(II) and its effect on global mercury deposition. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2012, 12(1), 591-603. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Huizhong Shen; Shu Tao; Jianmin Ma. Modeling the atmospheric transport and outflow of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emitted from China. Atmospheric Environment. 2011, 45(17), 2820-2827. [full text]
  • Y. Zhang; S. Tao; J. Ma; S. Simonich. Transpacific transport of benzo[a]pyrene emitted from Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2011, 11(23), 11993-12006. [full text]
  • Rong Wang; Shu Tao; Bin Wang; Yu Yang; Chang Lang; Yanxu Zhang; Jing Hu; Jianmin Ma; Hayley Hung. Sources and Pathways of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Transported to Alert, the Canadian High Arctic. Environmental Science & Technology. 2010, 44(3), 1017-1022. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Shu Tao. Global atmospheric emission inventory of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) for 2004. Atmospheric Environment. 2009, 43(4), 812-819.[Most Cited Atmospheric Environ. Articles published since 2008] [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Shu Tao; Huizhong Shen; Jianmin Ma. Inhalation exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk of Chinese population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2009, 106(50), 21063-21067. [full text]
  • Chang Lang; Shu Tao; Wenxin Liu; Yanxu Zhang; Staci Simonich. Atmospheric Transport and Outflow of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from China. Environmental Science & Technology. 2008, 42(14), 5196-5201. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Shu Tao. Seasonal variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions in China. Environmental Pollution. 2008, 156(3), 657-663. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Han Dou; Biao Chang; Zhicheng Wei; Weixun Qiu; Shuzhen Liu; Wenxin Liu; Shu Tao. Emission of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Indoor Straw Burning and Emission Inventory Updating in China. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2008, 1140(1), 218-227.[Top 20 Most-Cited papers in Environ. Sci. Technol. in 2007] [Most-Cited Chinese papers in international journals in 2007] [full text]
  • Bo Pan; Baoshan Xing; Shu Tao; Wenxin Liu; Xiumei Lin; Yang Xiao; Hancheng Dai; Xianming Zhang; Yanxu Zhang; Huishi Yuan.Effect of physical forms of soil organic matter on phenanthrene sorption. Chemosphere. 2007, 68(7), 1262-1269. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang; Shu Tao; Jun Cao; Raymond M. Coveney. Emission of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in China by County. Environmental Science & Technology. 2007, 41(3), 683-687. [full text]
  • B. Pan; B. S. Xing; W. X. Liu; S. Tao; X. M. Lin; X. M. Zhang; Y. X. Zhang; Y. Xiao; H. C. Dai; H. S. Yuan. Distribution of sorbed phenanthrene and pyrene in different humic fractions of soils and importance of humin. Environmental Pollution. 2006, 143(1), 24-33. [full text]
  • B. Pan; B. Xing; W. Liu; S. Tao; X. Lin; Y. Zhang; H. Yuan; H. Dai; X. Zhang; Y. Xiao. Two-compartment sorption of phenanthrene on eight soils with various organic carbon contents. J Environ Sci Health B. 2006, 41(8), 1333-1347. [full text]
  • Xiumei Lin, Bo Pan, Wenxin Liu, Huishi Yuan, Xianming Zhang, Yanxu Zhang et al. Distribution Behaviors of Phenanthrene to Humic Fractions in Natural Soils (in Chinese). Environ. Sci. 2006, 27:747-753. [full text]
  • Huishi Yuan, Bo Pan, Wenxin Liu, Xianming Zhang, Yanxu Zhang, Yang Xiao, Hancheng Dai, Shu Tao. Sorption behaviors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on whole soil and human fraction (in Chinese). Environmental Chemistry, 2006, 2, 154-158. [full text]
  • Yanxu Zhang, Bo Pan, Wenxin Liu, Hancheng Dai, et al. Dynamics of Sorption Behaviours of Phenanthrene on Natural Soils (in Chinese). J. Agro-Environ. Sci. 2006, 25:699-703. [full text]


  • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in China: Emission, Atmospheric Transport and Lung Cancer Risk. Peking University [full text]
  • Biogeochemical cycling of mercury in the atmosphere- ocean-land system: Global and regional modeling. University of Washington [full text]